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Intramural Sport Rules

All Intramural Participants should read and abide by Intramural Sports policies and rules. The purpose of sport rules is to ensure an equitable and enjoyable experience as possible for all participants and staff members.

Anything not specifically outlined in the sport rules is up to the discretion of the Intramural Sports Program.

Information outlined in these Sport Rules and the Intramural Sports Policy Manual are subject to change.

Regular Season Sports

There are 20 Regular Season with playoffs offered Intramurals. Expand all into a list.


Objective of the Game

The objective of 3v3 basketball is to score more points than your opponent or be the first team to score 30 points.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with three players per team. A team may start and play with two players. Substitutions may be made on any dead ball.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the basketballs. The game will be played on half a basketball court. The ‘check-line’ will be an imaginary line across the top of the key from sideline to sideline. The half-court line and regular out-of-bounds lines will be out-of-bounds.

Timing and Scoring

Games will be played to 30 points or a time limit of 38 minutes. Baskets shot and made from inside the 3-point arc will be worth one point. Baskets shot and made from beyond the 3-point arc will be worth two points. In playoff games, if the game is tied after regulation, the game will be ‘next basket wins’.


Games will be self-officiated. Fouls may be called by either team. The fouled team will receive the ball at the ‘check-line’. Teams fouled on the 28th or 29th points (and all overtime fouls in playoffs) have the option of in-bounding the ball or shooting a one point free throw. The free throw will be a ‘normal’ free throw. Players may enter the lane after the ball is released. Any disputes can be taken to the on-site supervisor who may flip a coin for the final decision.

General Game Play

  • 3v3 basketball will generally follow the rules of 5v5 basketball.
  • The game will start with rock-paper-scissors, or another deciding method, to see who will start with the ball.
  • Play will always start with an in-bound pass from behind the ‘check-line’.
  • Teams do not need to in-bound on missed baskets
    • On changes of possessions, a player on the new offense with the ball must get both feet past the ‘check-line’ before that team can make a basket.
  • An offensive rebound is NOT a change in possession.
  • A basket made by an unchecked ball will not count.
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court and will not be able to participate in competition for 60 seconds.
    • The 60 seconds begins when the ball is in-bounded to restart the competition.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until a dead-ball happens after the 60-seconds has passed
      • Example: If the removed player has been out for 55 seconds, when the ball goes out of bounds, they may not substitute during the in-bounding of the ball, even if the 60-second mark hits during the in-bounding process.

Objective of the Game

The objective of 5v5 basketball is to score more points than your opponent.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with five players per team. A team may start and play with three players. If you fall below three players the game will be over. For co-rec games, when playing at full strength (5 players), either gender may have a majority by +/-1. When playing at less than full strength, either gender may have a majority by +/- 2.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the basketballs and numbered jerseys. NO JEWELRY (apple watches, hats, necklaces, earrings, ect.).

Timing and Scoring

Normal basketball scoring of 2’s and 3’s. Free throws are one point. Two 22-minute halves will be played with at least a 3 minute halftime in between. The game will always be running clock until the last two minutes of the second half, the clock will be stopped on a dead ball if the game is within 10 points. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation, overtime periods will be 2 minutes following the same stoppage rules as the last two minutes of the second half.

NEW RULE – If one team is ready when the clock starts, and the other is not, the team that is ready will be awarded 2 points to their score for every 2minutes that passes, until either:

  • The game starts
  • 10 minutes passes and the unready team will be forced to Forfeit the match.
    • The ready team will record a win by a score of 10-0


Games will be officiated by 2 student officials, this number can increase or decrease based upon scheduling restraints, availability, or any other reason. Officials will enforce the rules of the game and have final say when it comes to enforcing the rules. Misconduct towards an official will not be tolerated.

General Game Play

  • 5v5 basketball will follow the rules of high school basketball.
  • Players must wear different numbers and check in with the scores table at the start of the game.
  • A jump ball will be administered at the start of the game.
    • All other jump balls for the game will be determined by the possession arrow.
  • Each player will have 5 personal fouls before being disqualified.
  • Bonus free throws will be in effect.
  • Technical fouls will result in 2 points for the other team (no FTs) and a loss of sportsmanship points for your team.
    • ‘Fans’ or ‘coaches’ for your team may still earn your team a technical foul even if they are not on the roster/playing.
  • Mercy rule will be enforced if one team is up by 20 or more points with two minutes left in the second half.
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until the next dead-ball happens.
College Football 25

Objective of the Game

The objective of 1v1 CFB 25 is to score more points than your opponent, before time expires

Teams and Players

Games will be played with one player per team. There are no substitutions allowed.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the necessary equipment to compete in this game.


Games will be self-officiated.

General Game Rules

Lobby Settings

  • Game Mode: Exhibition
    • Select “Play Now”
    • Event Type: Exhibition
    • Commentary: Choice of Home Team
    • Even Teams: On
    • Quarter Length: 5 minutes
    • Accelerated Clock: On – 20-Seconds
    • Weather & Time: Updated weekly from IM Staff
    • Overtime will decide all ties

Stoppage of play

  • Each team is permitted one “Pause” per match in the event of a hardware/software malfunction
  • Pauses may last no longer than 5 minutes regardless of the status of the originally impacted player

Remake Procedure

  • In the event of a server crash that impacts both players, the game may be remade. Team selection must stay consistent with the previous iteration of the game, and the rest of the game will be played out in full.

Team Selection

  • Away team picks their team first, followed by the home team
  • Home team is identified as the team listed first or on the left in the matchup on Fusion Play.
    • If questions arise, the Intramural Supervisor will advise as to which team is home and/or away
  • Select one of any of the current 134 FBS teams only
  • No player created teams
  • No legends teams
  • Opponents can’t pick the same team (ie Oklahoma Sooners vs Oklahoma Sooners).
  • Teams must wear the Home uniform and Away uniform that corresponds with what team you are for the match

Score Reporting

  • Report the final overall score of the game (ie: 24-7) to the Intramural Supervisor on site.
  • Forfeits will be considered a 21-0 ( a three touchdown loss), so that forfeits more accurately tie in with the points differential ranking system.
Singles or Doubles

Objective of the Game

The objective of cornhole is to score more points than the other team on each throw and to reach 21 points first.

Teams and Players

Teams will be composed of two players. You may sign up or play as an individual but will be required to throw in both directions.


The IM Program will provide the cornhole set.

Timing and Scoring

A game will be played to 21 points. Teams must score 21 points exactly. If a team goes over 21 points, they will revert back to 15 points one time. They may go over 21 points the second time. Points will be awarding as follows:

  • No points – no bags on the board/in the hole or the opponents match the total
  • 1 point – bag on the board
  • 3 points – bag in the center hole

General Game Play

  • The boards will be placed 27 feet apart.
  • Teams will have one player at each board.
  • One player will throw all 4 bags at the opposite board one at a time.
  • Opponents throwing against each other scores will cancel out if the same number of bags are on the board/in the hole.
  • The throwing player must throw the bag behind the front of the board.

Objective of the Game

The objective of euchre is to score 10 points before your opponent

Teams and Players

Teams will consist of two players. The game is played with two teams and each having two players.


The IM Program will provide the deck of cards. Games will be played in the Game Lounge downstairs in the IMSB.

Timing and Scoring

Games will be played in one hour time slots. First team to score 10 points will win a set or the team who is leading at the end of the time limit will be the winner of a set. It will be a best two of three series or whoever is winning the most sets at the end of the hour.

General Game Play

Rank of cards: The Jack of the trump suit is called the ‘right bower’ and it is the highest trump. The second-highest trump is the jack of the suit that is the same color, this Jack is called the ‘left bower’. The remaining trumps, and the plain suits, rank as follows Ace (high), King, Queen, 10, 9. Card values/scoring is:

  • Team fixing trump wins 3 or 4 tricks – 1 point
  • Team fixing trump wins all 5 tricks – 2 points
  • Lone hand wins 3 or 4 tricks – 1 point
  • Lone hand wins all 5 tricks – 4 points
  • Team fixing trump fails to win at least 3 tricks – 2 points for opponent
  • Teams may keep score with 5s or 4 and 6s.

Any disputes between teams must be settled between the two teams before any more cards may be played. If the teams cannot settle a dispute, the supervisor on hand will have the final discretion on the matter.

Order of Play

  • The player to the left of the dealer will lead the trick by playing a card. If this player is playing alone, it is made by the player across from the dealer.
  • Each player must follow the suit of the lead card. If unable to follow suit, the player may trump or discard any card.
  • If a player does not follow suit properly and is caught in later tricks of the same hand, 2 points will be awarded to the other team and the results of that entire hand is nullified.
  • A trick is won by the highest card of the suit lead, or by the highest trump. The winner of a trick leads the next trick.
  • All variations to the rules or ‘house rules’ are not allowed. Some of which include No Trump, Going Under/Bottoms/Farmer’s Hand, Robson Rules, No Ace No Face No Trump.
Extreme Dodgeball

Objective of the Game

The objective of dodgeball is to eliminate your opponents before they eliminate you.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with four players per team. A team may start and play with three players.


The IM Program will provide the dodgeballs. The game will be played in the IMSB Racquetball Courts. The court shall be marked with attack lines and a centerline. During play, all players must remain inside the racquetball court.

Timing and Scoring

The match will be the first team to win four out of seven games. A game is won when one team has eliminated all players from the opposing team.


Games will be self-officiated. A player will be out when:

  • A live ball hits any part of the player
  • A live ball is caught by a defending player
  • A player drops a held ball as a result of contact by a thrown ball
  • A player leaves the court to avoid being hit
  • A player crosses any part of the centerline

No players will re-enter as a result of a caught ball. Any disputes can be taken to the on-site supervisor who may flip a coin for the final decision.

General Game Play

  • Each game will have a five minute time limit.
  • Captains will play rock-paper-scissors to determine the side.
  • The winning team will have a choice of sides to begin the match.
    • Teams will alternate sides following each game.
  • A player may grab a ball located on the opposite side of the divider line so long as they do not step over the centerline.
  • A ball will be considered OUT when it touches the ground, wall, ceiling/ceiling fixtures, another player, and or another ball.
  • A ball that deflects off a player may still be caught by only by the same player it hit to record an out on the person who threw the ball.
  • Prior to the beginning of the game, 4 dodgeballs are placed along the centerline equally spaced.
    • Each/every ball retrieved at the opening rush must first be taken behind the attack line and into the team’s backcourt before it may be legally thrown at an opponent.
  • If the leading team controls all the balls (i.e. All balls are located on their side of the centerline) they must make a legitimate effort to get at least one ball across the attack line and into the opponent’s backcourt.
  • You may only switch players between games.
  • No substitutions are allowed once a game begins.
Flag Football

Objective of the Game

The objective of 7v7 flag football is to score more points than your opponent.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with seven players per team. A team may start and play with five players. If you fall below five players the game will be over.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the flag belts. A football will be provided, but teams are able to play with their own ball if both teams agree. TEAMS MUST BRING A LIGHT AND DARK COLORED SHIRT. HOME TEAM WILL BE LIGHT COLORED, AWAY TEAM WILL BE DARK. Teams should always bring both colors.

Players must wear shorts/pants WITHOUT pockets, belt loops, or exposed drawstrings. Shorts/pants that have pockets MUST have a zipper that can fully close the pocket and be tucked away or be duct taped over (tape may need to be reapplied so come prepared). Shorts/pants may NOT be turned inside out. NO JEWELRY (apple watches, hats, necklaces, earrings, etc..). Players may NOT wear cleats with metal spikes.

Timing and Scoring

Each half will be 22 minutes with a running clock and a 5 minute halftime between. In tied playoff games, teams will alternate ‘extra point opportunities’ of their choosing until one team has more points after both teams have scoring opportunities.


Games will be officiated by 3 student officials, this number can increase or decrease based upon scheduling restraints, availability, or any other reason. Officials will enforce the rules of the game and have final say when it comes to enforcing the rules. Misconduct towards an official will not be tolerated. While incidental contact may happen, flag football is meant to be a non contact sport. The player who initiates contact will be the one penalized.

General Game Play

  • 7v7 flag football will follow the general rules of NIRSA Flag Football, with minor adaptations for our offerings.
  • Teams will begin play at the 14-yard line.
  • A team will have 4 downs to advance the ball to the next ‘line to gain’ to receive a new set of downs.
  • Lines to gain are every 20 yards.
    • Line to gain does not reset if a penalty pushes you behind the previous line to gain.
  • A player is downed when an opposing player removes their flag belt.
    • If a flag belt falls off during play, the opposing team must touch them with one hand.
  • The offense and defense line of scrimmage will be separated by a cone one yard apart.
  • Defense may rush the QB once the ball is snapped.
  • Teams may block for the QB but without contacting or holding the defense (think of screening in basketball).
  • Interceptions will be live balls (except on extra point attempts) and the intercepting team will get possession where the play ends.
  • There are NO FUMBLES.
    • The ball is dead when it hits the ground.
  • A player catching the ball needs to establish one foot (or another body part) in bounds.
  • After a touchdown, the scoring team will get an extra point opportunity of their choice:
    • 3 yards away – 1 point
    • 10 yards away – 2 points
    • 20 yards away – 3 points

A team may elect to attempt an onside conversion at any time in the second half if they score a touchdown unless they are leading by 19 points or more following the extra point try.

  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until the next dead-ball happens.
Flag Football
Co-Rec 8v8

Objective of the Game

The objective of 8v8 co-rec flag football is to score more points than your opponent.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with eight players per team. A team may start and play with five players. If you fall below five players the game will be over.

For Co-Rec games, when playing at full strength (8 players) teams must play with an even ratio of males to females. When playing at less than full strength, either gender may have a majority by +/- 2. All teams must play with one of the following lineups:

  • 8 players – 4 males and 4 females
  • 7 players – 4 males and 3 females OR 3 males and 4 females
  • 6 players – 3 males and 3 females OR 4 males and 2 females OR 2 males and 4 females
  • 5 players – 3 males and 2 females OR 2 males and 3 females

Teams who are not able to meet the proper lineups or exceed the +/- 2 ratio will be marked down for a loss. Transgender participants are eligible to play based on their expressed gender identity.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the flag belts. A football will be provided, but teams are able to play with their own ball if both teams agree. TEAMS MUST BRING A LIGHT AND DARK COLORED SHIRT. HOME TEAM WILL BE LIGHT COLORED, AWAY TEAM WILL BE DARK. Teams should always bring both colors.

Players must wear shorts/pants WITHOUT pockets, belt loops, or exposed drawstrings. Shorts/pants that have pockets MUST have a zipper that can fully close the pocket and be tucked away or be duct taped over (tape may need to be reapplied so come prepared). Shorts/pants may NOT be turned inside out. NO JEWELRY (apple watches, hats, necklaces, earrings, etc..). Players may NOT wear cleats with metal spikes.

Timing and Scoring

Each half will be 22 minutes with a running clock and a 5 minute halftime between. In tied playoff games, teams will alternate ‘extra point opportunities’ of their choosing until one team has more points after both teams have scoring opportunities. A touchdown thrown, run in or caught by a female is worth 9 points versus 6 points. This does not apply to women’s leagues.


Games will be officiated by 3 student officials, this number can increase or decrease based upon scheduling restraints, availability, or any other reason. Officials will enforce the rules of the game and have final say when it comes to enforcing the rules. Misconduct towards an official will not be tolerated. While incidental contact may happen, flag football is meant to be a non contact sport. The player who initiates contact will be the one penalized.

General Game Play

  • 8v8 co-rec flag football will generally follow the same rules and regulations as 7v7 flag football, with the following additional rules:
    • During co-rec games, a male participant may not advance the ball past the line of scrimmage by running the ball unless there is a legal forward pass behind the line of scrimmage, or the defense rushes and crosses the line of scrimmage.
    • Each new possession for a team will start with an OPEN play.
      • An open play means that there is no restriction on who can be involved in the play.
    • If a male to male pass is completed for positive yards, the next play will be CLOSED.
    • During a closed play, a female participant must be involved in throwing or catching the ball (or both) to gain positive yards to make the next play open.
    • A run play by a female on a closed play is allowed but the next play will still be closed.
    • Plays that lose yards or do not move the line of scrimmage will result in the next play remaining the same as the previous play.
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until the next dead-ball happens.
(Indoor Soccer) 4v4

Objective of the Game

The objective of futsal is to score more goals than your opponent.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with four players per team, one of whom is the goalkeeper. A team may start and play with three players. If you fall below three players the game will be over. For co-rec games, when playing at full strength (4 players), either gender may have a majority by +/-1. When playing at less than full strength, either gender may have a majority by +/- 2.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the futsal balls. Games will be played at the Sports Coliseum on a basketball court. TEAMS MUST BRING A LIGHT AND DARK COLORED SHIRT. HOME TEAM WILL BE LIGHT COLORED, AWAY TEAM WILL BE DARK. Teams should always bring both colors. NO JEWELRY (apple watches, hats, necklaces, earrings, ect.).

Timing and Scoring

Each half will be 16 minutes with a running clock and a 3 minute halftime between. In tied playoff games, teams will take penalty kicks. In the Semi and Finals, a golden goal period will take place.

NEW RULE– If one team is ready when the clock starts, and the other is not, the team that is ready will be awarded 1 points to their score for every 2 minutes that passes, until either:

  • The game starts
  • 10 minutes passes and the unready team will be forced to Forfeit the match.
    • The ready team will record a win by a score of 5-0


Games will be officiated by 2 student officials, this number can increase or decrease based upon scheduling restraints, availability, or any other reason. Officials will enforce the rules of the game and have final say when it comes to enforcing the rules. Misconduct towards an official will not be tolerated.

General Game Play

  • Futsal will generally follow the rules of 7v7 Outdoor soccer, with modifications for the indoor setting.
  • The game will be played with goalkeepers.
  • Corner kicks must be taken within one foot of the corner.
  • If a ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines, the ball will be kicked in from the sideline instead of thrown in.
  • No sliding or slide tackles will be permitted.
    • A slide is defined as a person leaving their upright running/walking form to extend their body horizontally by lowering or lunging their body or an extremity forward.
    • This will result in an automatic foul and potential caution from an official.
    • Goalies may make a diving attempt to the ball in a motion leading with their arms, so long as it does not endanger other players on the field.
      • A foul will be called if:
        • The goalie’s dive leads with the legs first or lower half of their body first.
        • The goalie’s dive endangers another player or is deemed reckless by an official
  • In all dead ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball.
  • Kick-ins from the sideline are considered indirect free kicks.
    • Indirect kicks must touch another play on the field of play before being scored.
    • An indirect kick that is untouched and goes into:
      • The defending teams goal, will result in a goal kick for the defending team
      • The attacking team’s goal, will result in a corner kick for the previously defending team
  • Goal kicks, corner kicks and kickoff are all considered direct free kicks.
  • There is no offsides.
  • Teams must be reset on their side of the court before the kickoff can take place.
  • Substitutions may be made only on stoppages, and must occur at mid-field.
    • Substitutes may not enter the field until an official has waved them on.
    • Subbing in beyond the mid-field point will result in a turnover.
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until the next dead-ball happens.

Objective of the Game

The objective of kickball is to score more runs than the other team.

Teams and Players

Teams will be composed of six players. Teams may start and continue a game with five players.

Teams will use the same batting order throughout the game and may have all their roster members kick.


The IM Program will provide the kickball. Metal spikes may NOT be worn.

Timing and Scoring

A game will be seven innings. The time limit will be 45 minutes, no new innings will begin after the time limit but you may finish the current inning. Teams may score a maximum of ten runs per inning, except in the final inning.

General Game Play

  • Kickball will be played on a softball field.
  • A bunt line will be painted across the field.
  • Kicked balls touched by the defending team before they reach the bunt line will be considered a foul ball.
  • All fielders must remain behind an imaginary line connecting first and third base until the ball is kicked.
  • The kicking box is a 10’x10’ box behind home plate.
  • The kicking team will provide its own pitcher and kickers have three pitches to kick a fair ball from the kicking box.
  • The kicking team will get three outs per inning.
  • The kicked ball will be live until all runners have stopped trying to advance or the ball is back with the pitcher at the mound.
  • Base runners may NOT slide and must avoid contact with the fielding team.
    • A slide is defined as a person leaving their upright running/walking form to extend their body horizontally by lowering or lunging their body or an extremity forward.
    • A slide is an automatic out for the person making the slide
  • Base runners may not advance off the base until the ball has been kicked.
    • There are no leadoffs or stealing bases.
  • Base runners may advance on a caught fly ball if they tag up after the ball has been caught.
  • The fielding team may have a maximum of three outfield players, standing in the outfield grass.
    • They must remain in the grass until the ball is kicked.
  • The field team may have a maximum of five infield players, standing in the infield dirt.
    • They must remain in the dirt until the ball is kicked.
Singles & Doubles

Objective of the Game

The objective of pickleball is to hit the ball over the net, landing the ball within the margins of the court and in a way that results in your opponent being unable to return the ball.

Teams and Players

Singles will be played with one player. Doubles will be played with two players.


The IM Program will provide the pickleball paddles, balls and net.

Timing and Scoring

The winner of the match will be the first player/team to win two regular scoring sets. All games are played to 11, win by 2, with a scoring cap at 20 points. Only the serving player/team can score points. When the serving player/teams’s score is even (0, 2, 4, ect.) the player who was the first server in the game for that team will be on the right side of the court when serving or receiving; when odd (1, 3, 5, ect.) that player will be on the left side.

Doubles Serving

Both players on the serving team have the opportunity to serve and score points until they both commit a fault (except the first service sequence of each new game). When the first player loses the serve, the partner then serves from their correct side of the court (based on their score). Once the second server commits a fault, they lose the serve to the opposing team.

General Game Play

  • The game will start with rock-paper-scissors, or another deciding method, to see who will serve first.
  • Serving Rules:
    • The serve must be underhand and the paddle contact with the ball must be below the server’s waist.
    • The server’s feet must not cross the end line before the ball is struck.
    • The serve must land in the service area diagonal to the server.
    • The ball hit any part of the line to be ‘in’, except the non-volley zone line on a serve.
  • When the ball is served, the receiving team must let it bounce before returning, and then the serving team must let it bounce before returning.
    • After the ball has bounced once on each team’s court, both teams may either volley the ball (hit it before it bounces) or play it off a bounce.
  • The non-volley zone (often called the kitchen), is the court area within 7 feet on both sides of the net.
    • Volleying (hitting the ball without a bounce) is prohibited in the non-volley zone.
  • Possible faults include:
    • A serve does not land in the diagonal service area
    • The ball is hit into the net
    • The ball is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side of the net
    • The ball is hit out of bounds
    • The ball is volleyed from the non-volley zone
    • The ball bounces twice on one side of the net
    • A player or player’s paddle touches the net
    • The ball hits a player or anything a player is wearing
    • There is a rule violation

Objective of the Game

The objective of racquetball is to serve the ball off the wall and within the margins of the court in such a way that results in your opponent being unable to return the ball.

Teams and Players

Teams will consist of one player.


Racquets can be checked out from the Intramural Sports Building Front Desk. Only a US Regulation racquetball (usually blue) can be used in intramural play. International racquetballs (usually bright green) cannot be used. Players may check out racquetballs from the front desk.

Timing and Scoring

A match is won by the side first winning two out of three games OR whoever is leading after 40 minutes has passed. If the third game is tied when the 40 minutes limit is announced, a final, sudden death point will be played until someone scores a point. A game is won by the first side scoring 15 points. Unless a rule exception exists, the first side reaching the requisite score is the winner. If the match goes to three games, the third will be played to 11.


The player who serves first will be the winner of the deciding game before the match. This player will be the server for the first and third game. The server may serve from any place in the service zone. No part of the either foot may extend beyond either line of the service zone. Stepping on the line (but not beyond) is permitted. Server must remain in the service zone until the served ball passes the short line. Violations are called ‘foot-faults’. A serve is commenced by bouncing the ball to the floor in the service zone, and on the first bounce the ball is struck by the server’s racquet so that it hits the front wall and on the rebound hits the floor back of the short line, either with or without touching one of the side walls.

General Game Play

  • The game will start with rock-paper-scissors, or another deciding method, to see who will serve first.
  • Each legal return after the serve is called a volley.
  • Play during volleys shall be according to the following rules:
    • Only the head of the racquet may be used at any time to return the ball. The ball must be hit with the racquet in one or both hands. Switching hands to hit a ball is an out. The use of any portion of the body is an out.
    • In attempting returns, the ball may be touched only once by the returning player. Each violation of ‘1’ or ‘2’ results in a hand-out or point.
    • If a player swings at but misses the ball in play, the player may repeat their attempt to return the ball until it touches the floor the second time.
    • Any touching of a ball before it touches the floor the second time by a player other than the one making the return is a point or out against the offending player.
Outdoor 7v7

Objective of the Game

The objective of outdoor soccer is to score more goals than your opponent.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with seven players per team, one of whom is the goalkeeper. A team may start and play with five players. If a team falls below five players, the game will be over. For co-rec games, when playing at full strength (7 players), either gender may have a majority by +/-1. When playing at less than full strength, either gender may have a majority by +/- 2.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the soccer balls. TEAMS MUST BRING A LIGHT AND DARK COLORED SHIRT. HOME TEAM WILL BE LIGHT COLORED, AWAY TEAM WILL BE DARK. Teams should always bring both colors. NO JEWELRY (apple watches, hats, necklaces, earrings, ect.). Players may NOT wear cleats with metal spikes.

Timing and Scoring

Each half will be 22 minutes with a running clock and a 5 minute halftime between. In tied playoff games, teams will take penalty kicks. In the Semi and Finals, a golden goal period will take place.


Games will be officiated by 2 student officials, this number can increase or decrease based upon scheduling restraints, availability, or any other reason. Officials will enforce the rules of the game and have final say when it comes to enforcing the rules. Misconduct towards an official will not be tolerated. Any foul committed will result in a turnover in possession and the restart should occur from the point of the foul. Any hand ball that intentionally stops a scoring opportunity will result in a penalty show for the attacking team.

General Game Play

  • Outdoor Soccer will generally follow the rules of high school soccer, with some changes for our Intramural program.
  • The game will be played with goalkeepers and six (6) field players, totaling 7 players per team.
    • Gloves will not be provided so goalkeepers must provide their own if they wish to use them.
  • No sliding or slide tackles will be permitted.
    • A slide is defined as a person leaving their upright running/walking form to extend their body horizontally by lowering or lunging their body or an extremity forward.
    • This will result in an automatic foul and potential caution from an official.
    • Goalies may make a diving attempt to the ball in a motion leading with their arms, so long as it does not endanger other players on the field.
      • A foul will be called if:
        • The goalie’s dive leads with the legs first or lower half of their body first.
        • The goalie’s dive endangers another player or is deemed reckless by an official
  • Goalkeeper throws, punts, or drop-kicks, must be touched by a player of either team before crossing the half-field line.
    • If a violation of this rule occurs, the opposing team will be given the ball at center field, as a drop ball.
    • This rule does not apply to restarts taken from the ball being set on the ground, such as a goal kick.
    • This rule does not apply if the goalkeeper drops or sets the ball on the ground and kicks it, so long as the ball is not bouncing, and completely in contact with the ground when it is kicked.
  • In all dead ball situations, defending players must stand at least ten yards away from the ball.
  • A kickoff may be taken in any direction.
    • Teams must be reset on their side of the court before the kickoff can take place.
  • There is NO OFFSIDES.
  • Throw-ins are considered indirect free kicks.
    • Indirect kicks must touch another play on the field of play before being scored.
    • An indirect kick that is untouched and goes into:
      • The defending teams goal, will result in a goal kick for the defending team
      • The attacking team’s goal, will result in a corner kick for the previously defending team
  • Goal kicks, corner kicks and kickoff are all considered direct free kicks.
  • Substitutions may be made only on stoppages, and must occur at mid-field.
    • Substitutes may not enter the field until an official has waved them on.
    • Subbing in beyond the mid-field point will result in a turnover.
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until the next dead-ball happens.
Doubles Only

Objective of the Game

The objective of spikeball is to hit the ball of the net in a way that can’t be returned.

Teams and Players

Teams will be composed of two players.


The IM Program will provide the spikeball set.

Timing and Scoring

A match is three games played straight to 21. The first team to win two games will be the winner. Points are scored when the ball bounces twice on the net, when the ball hits the rim, and when the ball hits the ground. If there are any disputes, the point will be replayed. The time limit will be 45 minutes.

General Game Play

  • Rules of the serve:
    • The server’s feet must be six feet away from the net when serving.
    • After serving, the ball must bounce cleanly off the net.
    • If the ball hits the rim or misses the net completely, the point is lost to the team receiving.
    • IF the serve is too high or hits both the net and rim (pocket) then the server has committed a fault.
    • Each serve is entitled to one fault.
    • If the server fails to complete a successful serve the second time, their team loses the point and the serve goes to the opposing team.
    • Only the defensive player opposite of the server may return the ball.
      • After each point scored, the serving team switches positions, the defensive team stays in the same position.
    • The server continues to serve until their team loses a point.
    • Both soft and hard serves are allowed.
  • Each team gets up to three touches to return the ball off of the net.
  • Touches must alternate between teammates.
  • You may use any part of your body to touch the ball except for two hands at once.
  • If a ball or object enters into the field of play, the point in progress will be restarted
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
In-Person 1v1

Objective of the Game

The objective of SSU is to outlast your opponent by knocking them off the stage until their stocks reach zero (0).

Teams and Players

Teams will be composed of one player.


Game: A single game played between two competitors.
Match: A collection of games.
Stock: The number of lives a given player has before they lose a game.
Stage: The platform on which players fight.


The IM Program will provide the monitors, but players are required to bring their own switch and accessories (if they need them for competition) to each week’s competition.

Timing and Scoring

A match is a best-of-three games. The first team to win two games will be the winner. Points are scored when one team eliminates the stocks of their opponent in a game. The match time limit will be 30 minutes.

General Game Play Ruleset

These should be the Rule Settings for the in-game Rulesets. Rulesets can be created and edited under the Smash menu.

  • 3 Stock, 8:00 Time Limit
  • FS Meter Off
  • Spirits Off
  • Damage Handicap Off
  • Stage Selection Anyone
  • Items None
  • Stage Morph Off
  • Stage Hazards Off
  • Team Attack On
  • Launch Rate 1.0x
  • Underdog Boost Off
  • Pausing On
  • Show Damage Yes

All Mii Fighters and move sets are legal, but must be declared before the stage selection process begins for game 1 of the match.

Stage Selection

Starter Stages

There are five starter stages. Stages are banned in 1-2-1 order. The player who bans first is decided through RPS or some other random means, or by agreement of the players.

To begin a game, the player banning first must ban one of the five starter stages. The other player then bans two of the remaining four starter stages. The first player then picks a stage from the remaining two starter stages.

The starter stages are

  • Battlefield (and Battlefield forms of other stages)
  • Final Destination (and Omega forms of other stages)
  • Poke’mon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Small Battlefield
Counter-pick Stages

Any stage on the full stage list that is not a starter stage is known as a counter-pick stage.

After the first game, the winning player will ban three stages from the full stage list. The losing player can then pick any stage from the full stage list.

The Counter Stages are

  • Lylat Cruise *
  • Town & City *
  • Kalos Pokemon League *
  • Yoshi’s Story *

A match can be played on any stage so long as both opponents consent prior to the beginning of the match.

Character Selection

For the first game, players will double-blind pick their characters, by either:

  • Write their character selection on a piece of paper and reveal to the opponent at the same time
  • Ask an Intramural Supervisor to act as the verifying person for the double-blind pick.

After game one, the winning player must declare what character they are playing before stage selection.


  • Pausing is to turned OFF in the settings. However, if it is not, pausing is only legal while either player remains upon their OWN respawn platform, and only for the purpose of summoning a Tournament Official, or in the case of a controller malfunction.
  • All other pauses will incur a stock loss to the player who pauses the game. If the pause causes the opponent to lose their last stock, the pausing player receives a game loss.
  • This rule also applies to controllers which cause the game to revert to the Switch home screen.


  • Stalling, or intentionally making the game unplayable, is a bannable offense at the discretion of IM Staff.
  • Stalling includes, but is not limited to:
    • Becoming invisible
    • Continuing infinites past 300%
    • Reaching a position that the player’s character can never be reached by the opposing character.
  • Stalling will result in a forfeit of the game for the player that initiated the action.
Table Tennis

Objective of the Game

The objective of table tennis is to hit the ball over the net, landing the ball within the margins of the table, and in a way that results in your opponent being unable to return the ball.

Teams and Players

Table tennis is played 1v1.


Ping pong balls and paddles may be checked out from the Intramural Sports Building Front Desk. You may bring your own paddle.

Timing and Scoring

The winner of the match will be the first person to win 2 out of 3 regular scoring games. Games are played to 11 points, win by 2. Score is called out before each serve. Servers switch after every 2 points scored. Games will have a 30 minute time limit.

General Game Play

  • The general rules of table tennis will be followed for Intramural Sports.
  • The server’s paddle must strike the ball behind the end line and between the sideline (extended) of the table.
  • When serving, the ball must be held in the palm of the hand, visible to the opponent and with no spin being imparted to it by the hand.
  • No intentionally touching the playing surface of the table with any part of the body or else the point is won by the opponent.
  • Serves must hit the server’s side of the table before going over the net without touching the net.
  • Points are won by striking the ball and making contact with your opponents side of the table, and them failing to return the ball to your side.
Ultimate Frisbee
Outdoor 7v7

Objective of the Game

The objective of ultimate frisbee is to score more points than your opponent.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with seven players. A team may start and continue playing with 5 players.


The IM Program will provide the frisbee. Players may NOT wear cleats with metal spikes.

Timing and Scoring

The game will be played to 15 points with a 38 minute running time limit. A warning will be given with 5 minutes remaining. Half-time will occur when one team reaches 8 points or when 19 minutes of regulation have been played. All scores are worth 1 point. In tied playoff games, the game will continue until one team scores a winning point.


Games will be self-officiated. All fouls will be self-called. No contact is allowed. Any disputes can be taken to the on-site supervisor who may flip a coin for the final decision.

General Game Play

  • No legs first sliding will be permitted.
    • A slide is defined as a person leaving their upright running/walking form to extend their body horizontally by lowering or lunging their lower body or a lower extremity forward.
    • This will result in an automatic turnover if the offending person’s team is in possession of the disc.
      • If the offending person’s team is not in possession of the disc, the non-offending team will get a 5-second unguarded toss from the spot of the disc.
  • Game Start
    • Rock-paper-scissors, or another deciding method, will determine who will receive in the first half.
    • The opposing team will receive in the second half.
    • Play will begin with each team lining up on their end zone line.
    • The defense will throw the disc to the offense.
    • Players may not leave their line until the disc is thrown.
    • If the receiving team allows the disc to fall untouched to the ground, and the disc initially lands inbounds, the receiving team gains possession of the disc where it stops if in-bounds or at the point on the playing field, excluding the end zone, nearest to where it crossed the out-of-bounds line.
    • If the pull lands out-of-bounds the receiving team puts the disc into play at the point on the playing field, excluding the end zone, nearest to where it crossed the out-of-bounds line.
    • If a player on the receiving team touches the pull before it hits the ground and the disc then hits the ground, it is considered a dropped disc and results in a turnover.
  • The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate.
    • If a pass is not completed (out of bounds, dropped, blocked, intercepted), the opposing team will receive possession from the spot the disc makes first contact with the ground or crosses out of bounds.
  • The player in possession of the disc will have ten seconds to throw it.
  • A defensive player within 5 feet of the player must count out loud so players in close proximity are able to hear the count.
    • Only one defensive player may guard a thrower.
  • A player must have their first point of contact in-bounds to be a catch.
    • If their momentum carries them out of bounds after making a catch in-bounds, it is a ‘good’ catch and play will continue where they went out-of-bounds.
  • Disc possession movement
    • Players can’t take steps while in possession of the disc, except to pivot on one foot.
    • The thrower must also establish a pivot foot before releasing the throw and can’t change it until then
    • The pivot foot leaving it’s position in any direction is considered traveling, and is a turnover if the steps aren’t necessary to stop themselves.
    • Handoffs and catching your own throw are NOT allowed.
  • There must be one disc’s diameter between the thrower and the defense.
    • If a defender has set themselves in a legal position on the player with the disc, the player with the disc may not pivot into the defender to gain space.
  • If the disc is caught simultaneously by the offense and defense, the offense keeps possession.

Objective of the Game

The objective of 6v6 volleyball is to return the ball to the other side of the net in a way that it cannot be returned.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with six players per team. A team may start and play with three players. If you fall below three players the game will be over. For co-rec games, when playing at full strength (6 players), either gender may have a majority by +/-1. When playing at less than full strength, either gender may have a majority by +/- 2.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the volleyball. NO JEWELRY (apple watches, hats, necklaces, earrings, ect.).

Timing and Scoring

A match is three games played to 25, win by 2 with a scoring cap of 30 for the first two games. The third game is to 15, win by 2 with a scoring cap of 20. Games will be played using rally scoring where a point is scored each time a team commits a fault. The time limit will be 55 minutes.

NEW RULE – If one team is ready when the clock starts, and the other is not, the team that is ready will be awarded 1 points to their score for every 2 minutes that passes, until either:

  • The game starts
  • 10 minutes passes and the unready team will be forced to Forfeit the match.
    • The ready team will record a win by a score of 2 sets to 0


Games will be officiated by 2 student officials, this number can increase or decrease based upon scheduling restraints, availability, or any other reason. Officials will enforce the rules of the game and have final say when it comes to enforcing the rules. Misconduct towards an official will not be tolerated.

General Game Play

  • 6v6 Volleyball will follow the general rules of volleyball.
  • During the serve, the ball is legal if it contacts the net and passes over.
  • During the serve, the ball may only be played by a bump or set by the receiving team.
    • The serve may not be attacked (spiked) or blocked by the receiving team.
  • All passes must be clearly hit, not thrown, lifted, or change of direction allowed by a double hit.
    • A set with spin is NOT considered a double
  • During the course of play, setting the ball over the net is allowed.
  • The ball may legally contact any part of the body including the arms, hands, legs, and feet.
  • Substitutions must be made on a dead ball.
  • Backline players may NOT attack the ball above the net line, if they are within the front area of the 10ft line.
    • Backline players making an attack from behind the 10ft line, may not have any part of their body touching or beyond the attacking line, before leaving the ground.
      • Landing beyond the 10ft line is legal, so long as the ball contact was finished before landing.
  • The serve must rotate in the same manner through all team members during the game for each new server.
  • Everyone must serve once before someone serves twice.
  • You are not required to rotate positions on the court.
    • For co-rec games, you must alternate genders on the court (the front or back line cannot be all the same gender) and the serve must rotate between genders regardless if there is more of one gender than the other.
  • Net Rules
    • Contact with the net will result in a loss of that point for the offending team
      • If both teams make contact with the net, it is at the discretion of the official to let play continue or restart the point
    • Players may not reach over the net to make a play if the opposing team has not made 3 contacts AND there is a player in proximity of the ball
      • If the defending team makes contact with the ball before the attacking team makes their third contact, the point is awarded to the attacking team.
  • Center-Line Rules
    • Players may touch or slightly cross the center-line, so long as:
      • they do not make contact with another player
      • they do not interfere with the current play
      • their hand or foot does not entirely cross the center line
    • Violations of these circumstances will be a loss of that point
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until the next dead-ball happens.

Objective of the Game

The objective of sand volleyball is to return the ball to the other side of the net in a way that it cannot be returned.

Teams and Players

(4v4) Teams will be composed of four players. A team must have at least two players to start and continue a match.

(2v2) Teams will be composed of two players. A team must have at least two players to start and continue a match.


The IM Program will provide a volleyball. Games will be played at the sand volleyball courts at Mitchell Field.

Timing and Scoring

The winner of the match will be the first team to win two regular scoring sets. The first two sets are played to 25, win by 2, with a scoring cap at 30 points. The third set, if needed, will be played to 15, win by 2, with a scoring cap at 20. Players will change sides at the end of each match. Games will be played using rally scoring where a point is scored each time a team commits a fault. The time limit will be 45 minutes.

General Game Play

  • During the serve, the ball is legal if it contacts the net and passes over.
  • During the serve, the ball is legal if it contacts the net and passes over.
  • During the serve, the ball may only be played by a bump or set by the receiving team.
    • The serve may not be attacked (spiked) or blocked by the receiving team.
  • All passes must be clearly hit, not thrown, lifted, or change of direction allowed by a double hit.
    • A set with spin is NOT considered a double
  • During the course of play, setting the ball over the net is allowed.
  • The ball may legally contact any part of the body including the arms, hands, legs, and feet.
  • Substitutions must be made on a dead ball.
  • The serve must rotate in the same manner through all team members during the game for each new server.
  • There are no back row attacking rules
  • Above Net Rules
    • Contact with the net will result in a loss of that point for the offending team
    • Players may not reach over the net to make a play if the opposing team has not made 3 contacts AND there is a player in proximity of the ball
      • If the defending team makes contact with the ball before the attacking team makes their third contact, the point is awarded to the attacking team.
  • Under net Rules
    • Players may touch or slightly cross under the net, so long as:
      • they do not make contact with another player
      • they do not interfere with the current play
      • their hand or foot does not entirely under the net
    • Violations of these circumstances will be a loss of that point

Objective of the Game

The objective of wallyballl is to return the ball to the other side of the net in a way that it cannot be returned.

Teams and Players

Teams will be composed of four players. A team must have at least two players to start and continue a match. There are no ‘front row’ or ‘back row’ designations. The serving rotation must remain the same throughout the game.


The IM Program will provide the net and ball. Games will be played in a racquetball court.

Timing and Scoring

The winner of the match will be the first team to win two regular scoring sets. The first two sets are played to 25, win by 2, with a scoring cap at 30 points. The third set, if needed, will be played to 15, win by 2, with a scoring cap at 20. Players will change sides at the end of each match. Games will be played using rally scoring where a point is scored each time a team commits a fault. The time limit will be 45 minutes.

General Game Play

  • Rock-paper-scissors, or another decided method, will determine the first team to serve.
  • Rules of the serve:
    • The server must be within three feet of the back wall.
    • The serve may hit either side wall of the serving or receiving side of the net.
    • The serve may NOT hit the ceiling, back wall, or two walls.
    • During the serve, the ball is legal if it contacts the net and passes over.
    • During the serve, the ball may NOT be attacked (spiked) or blocked by the receiving team.
  • The ball may legally contact any part of the body above the waist including the arms, hands, and head.
  • A team will have three hits to return the ball over the net to the opposing team.
  • The ball may hit one wall on the return hit, but not the opponent’s back wall or ceiling.
  • During the course of play, a team may use their own walls in between hits, including the back wall and ceiling.
  • Holding, pushing, lifting, or carrying the ball is not allowed.
  • A player may not climb the wall.
  • There are no restrictions on player alignment.
  • The serve must rotate in the same manner through all team members during the game for each new server.
  • A ball passing through the side openings of the net will be out-of-bounds.
  • Net Rules
    • Contact with the net will result in a loss of that point for the offending team
      • If both teams make contact with the net, it is at the discretion of the official to let play continue or restart the point
    • Players may not reach over the net to make a play if the opposing team has not made 3 contacts AND there is a player in proximity of the ball
      • If the defending team makes contact with the ball before the attacking team makes their third contact, the point is awarded to the attacking team.
  • Center-Line Rules
    • Players may touch or slightly cross the center-line, so long as:
      • they do not make contact with another player
      • they do not interfere with the current play
      • their hand or foot does not entirely cross the center line
    • Violations of these circumstances will be a loss of that point


There are 2 Multi-Day Intramural Tournaments. Expand all into a list.


Objective of the Game

The objective of Tournament Style 3v3 basketball is to score more points than your opponent before time runs out, or be the first team to hit the max score.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with three players per team. A team may start and play with two players. Substitutions may be made on any dead ball.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the basketballs. The game will be played on half a basketball court. The ‘check-line’ will be an imaginary line across the top of the key from sideline to sideline. The half-court line and regular out-of-bounds lines will be out-of-bounds.

Timing and Scoring

  • Round Robin Format
    • Games will be played to 15 points or a time limit of 10 minutes. Baskets shot and made from inside the 3-point arc will be worth one point. Baskets shot and made from beyond the 3-point arc will be worth two points.
  • Bracket Format
    • Games will be played to 21 points or a time limit of 15 minutes. Baskets shot and made from inside the 3-point arc will be worth one point. Baskets shot and made from beyond the 3-point arc will be worth two points.
    • In elimination games, if the game is tied after regulation, the game will be ‘next basket wins’.


  • Games will be self-officiated.
    • Elimination games may have Intramural officials present or officiating
  • Fouls may be called by either team.
    • The fouled team will receive the ball at the ‘check-line’.
      • Teams fouled on the two points before a max score (and all overtime fouls in playoffs) have the option of in-bounding the ball or shooting a one point free throw.
      • The free throw will be a ‘normal’ free throw.
        • Players may enter the lane after the ball is released.
      • Any disputes can be taken to the on-site supervisor who may flip a coin for the final decision.

General Game Play

  • 3v3 basketball will generally follow the rules of 5v5 basketball.
  • The ball will change possession to the non-scoring team, after each point.
  • The game will start with rock-paper-scissors, or another deciding method, to see who will start with the ball.
  • Play will always start with an in-bound pass from behind the ‘check-line’.
  • Teams do not need to in-bound on missed baskets
    • On changes of possessions, a player on the new offense with the ball must get both feet past the ‘check-line’ before that team can make a basket.
  • An offensive rebound is NOT a change in possession.
  • A basket made by an unchecked ball will not count.
  • Any player who stops the game for injury, personal equipment malfunction, illegal substitution or timeout, or unnaturally stops the game, must leave the court and will not be able to participate in competition for 60 seconds.
    • The 60 seconds begins when the ball is in-bounded to restart the competition.
    • The removed player may be substituted by an eligible member of their team
    • The removed player may not re-enter the game until a dead-ball happens after the 60-seconds has passed
      • Example: If the removed player has been out for 55 seconds, when the ball goes out of bounds, they may not substitute during the in-bounding of the ball, even if the 60-second mark hits during the in-bounding process.

Objective of the Game

The objective of Tournament Style 6v6 dodgeball is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them ‘out’.

Teams and Players

Games will be played with six players per team. A team may start and play with four players. Substitutions may enter the game if a ball is caught and there are less than six of their teammates on the court. Only six members of one team are allowed on the court during the game.

Equipment and Court

The IM Program will provide the foam dodgeballs. The game will be played on a basketball court utilizing the sidelines, end lines and centerline. Cones will be placed on the sidelines to indicate the attack lines. ‘Jail’ will be located along one side of the court.

Timing and Scoring

  • Round Robin Format
    • Games will be played with a time limit of 15 minutes and will be best two out of three or until the timer runs out. If the time runs out in the middle of a match, the team with the most players remaining will win that set. In the event of a tie, the over time rules are listed below.
  • Bracket Format
    • Games will be played with a time limit of 30 minutes and will be best three out of five or until the timer runs out. If the time runs out in the middle of a match, the team with the most players remaining will win that set. In the event of a tie, the over time rules are listed below.


  • Games will be self-officiated.
    • Elimination games may have Intramural officials present or officiating
  • What is considered an ‘out’:
    • All outs will be based off the honor system. A referee or supervisor on site may be on hand to call outs but cannot follow every thrown ball. If a dispute occurs, staff will solve the problem any way deemed appropriate and be final.
      • Being hit by a live ball results in the defender being out.
        • Clothes are considered part of the player’s body. If your clothing is hit, you are out thus baggy clothing can be a disadvantage.
      • Any ball that touches the ceiling or wall is a dead ball and does not result in an out.
        • A ball that hits a player and goes up into the air is still considered a live ball and can result in the defenders catching it or eliminating multiple players.
      • If a defender attempts to catch a live ball, but drops it, the defender is out.
      • If a defender catches a live ball, the attacker who threw the ball is out and a player for the defending team may re-enter.
      • A defender may block a live ball with another ball. That ball is still a live ball however, until it hits the floor/wall/ceiling. A team may catch the deflected ball to record an out.
        • If a blocking ball is dropped as result of contact from a live ball, then the player who drops the ball is out.
      • A player shall not leave the playing field to avoid being hit or in an attempt to catch a ball. The player violating this rule will be considered out.
        • Players must have one point of contact in bound and on the ground (or land inbounds) for the play to be ruled a catch.
      • In the case of a headshot, the THROWER will be out.
        • A player hit in the head while ducking or dodging IS out. If the defender is changing their head level by moving it is okay. If they are standing still or staying upright, it is not okay.
      • Unsportsmanlike conduct (intentional head shot, explicit language, etc.) will result in the ejection from the game and one less starting player for any further games in the match.

General Game Play

  • Games begin by placing the dodgeballs along the centerline. Players take position behind their end line. Team captains will agree on how to signal the start of the game (typically counting down and yelling DODGEBALL!).
    • Players cannot intentionally push or touch the other team when retrieving balls at the start of the game
    • Players cannot dive or slide to collect balls at the start of the game
    • Both of these will result in the player being out
  • Players must retreat behind their attack line before throwing the ball at opponents. Attack lines will be marked off with cones on the sidelines.
    • Both feet must be on the ground and behind the attack line. No jumping backwards and throwing the ball while in air.
  • A player may only kick the ball to pass it to a member of their team or to pass to the opponent
  • ‘Jail’ refers to the location where eliminated players stand during games after getting out. This is located along the sideline of the court and must remain against the wall or out of the way of game play until the match is over OR their teammate catches a ball bringing them back into the game. Players MUST keep their order in which they got out when returning back into the game (first person out is the first person back in unless there are more than six players on the team. The substitutes would be the first players back in).
    • When eliminated, players must exit the court quickly to the jail area and must not interfere or block for their teammates when leaving the court
    • Players cannot leave the jail area to retrieve stray balls for their teammate. They can however roll balls back into play if they are within arms reach of the jail.
    • BRACKET GAMES ONLY: Once per game, if a team is down to their last player they can attempt to trigger a ‘Jail Break’. To successfully do this, the last player on a team must successfully make a ball into the opposing teams basket by throwing it from behind the attack line and not getting out.
      • If the player throwing the ball towards the basket gets eliminated before the ball pass through the bottom of the net, the game is over.
      • If successful, the team can bring back the next five players up out of jail to get back to full strength.
  • In order to reduce stalling, teams have the discretion to call a ‘stall attempt’. This is when one team has all of the balls on their side of the court and isn’t making an effort or attempt to throw them back (~ 1 minute). After a stall attempt is called by the opposing team, they can start to count down by 15 seconds. If the count hits zero, all of the balls will go over to the non-offending team.
  • Over time procedure:
    • ROUND ROBIN: Next elimination will determine the winner
    • Bracket Games: Shoot Out and Sudden Death
      • Teams will have one player at a time face of from a member of the other team. Best of five matchups. Both players will get one dodgeball and start in the free throw circle on their respective side. If they are hit they are out and if they step outside of the 1/2 circle they are out.
        • If neither player gets out and both balls have been thrown, that matchup is a draw.
        • If teams are still tied after 5 shoot outs, it will become sudden death and the next matchup that doesn’t end in a draw will determine the winner.